Win An iPad and a Brief Editorial
I don’t normally clutter my personal blog with announcements like these but I reckon it’d be a nice filler while I cook up other things to share with you folks as I shift back to regular programming....
View ArticleCelebrating Life and Lucy
One of the greater things about blogging is the capacity of an individual to share little moments with others. The ability to allow friends and strangers alike into a portion of your life, giving them...
View ArticleOn Domain Names, Property Rights and Scams
As a blogger for the last 6 years, I’ve often minded my own business and careful to stay within boundaries. Blogging, after all, started out as a hobby (a form of therapy, actually) and I only had...
View ArticleChanges
That’s what makes life a whole lot more interesting. Expecting that currents do run deep, tides indeed change, ripples turn into waves then back into ripples again and that it’s not sunny everyday. We...
View ArticleBirthday Month and a Festival of Thanksgiving
December is indeed my birthday month and I always make it a point to celebrate it — unconventionally if I can — every year. The festivities became more pronounced as soon as I hit my 3rd decade. I...
View ArticleFragments of Fiction in 55 Words
Over 4 years ago, I was part of a group blog that dishes out short posts — 55-word posts to be exact — and without really planning it, I re-visited my work and I had fun reading them again. I reckon...
View ArticleBloggers Do It Better and the business of re-connecting
For the past year or so, I’ve been searching for something that will help bring back a bit of what blogging used to mean for me. I had missed the community that genuinely wishes to engage in...
View ArticleHAPPY for 2013
In one of them while-my-sister-is-driving conversations, I had mentioned that I’ve always wanted to write one of them “word of the year” blog posts. I’ve been meaning to since that first blog post my...
View ArticleGoodreads and the digital life of bookworms
The past couple of days have been dedicated to steps in organising the environment I’m in. With most restarts, it’s usually coupled with conscientiousness. And one of the things I’m working towards is...
View ArticleLife in drafts and constant reboots
Treading on borrowed time. Choosing to be hopeful despite life’s curveballs. No one ever said it’s going to be easy. Or simple. Found it funny how the list of draft posts accumulated within a year’s...
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